
Advanced Diploma in Interior Design

I do not regret choosing Raffles College of Higher Education because I had a lot of fun where this wonderful experience allowed me to engage with real projects and clients. They taught me the basics of drawing and provided me with experience in working with different software. I loved how their program worked, where the class was small so that the lecturers could focus on every single student. At Raffles, the lecturers are fun but strict, and this helped me broaden my knowledge in this design field. They always believe in us and make sure we push our limits and do our best in everything we do. It is not a smooth path that I have gone through, but as most people say, good values can only be well-learned through rocky paths. All the challenges and responsibilities in exploring new possibilities have taught me great values as a designer and person. This journey with Raffles would not have been possible without the presence of our incredibly supportive lecturers and my family-like friends. I am more confident and more determined to begin a new learning journey through their support. Thank you for your company.
