SEQUEIRA Thea Latitia

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design

Period poverty is a global issue that affects those who lack access to safe, sanitary menstrual products and/or are unable to manage their periods with dignity, sometimes due to community stigma and sanctions. "and" Menstrual Care is a hypothetical brand designed for the purpose of my Bachelor's Degree Major Project. It focuses on the issue of period poverty and ways by which it can be solved through access to sustainable menstrual care products that not only last longer but generate less overall waste. The product is a reusable menstrual disc made of 100% body-safe silicone with a lifespan of five to seven years with proper care. As a brand, “and” Menstrual Care aims to tackle the issue of period poverty by raising awareness of the benefits of sustainable menstrual care and making environmentally friendly menstrual products more accessible.
